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Saturday 3 February 2018

Kill Time to Live in Eternity Now - (2217)

We Have Time in Our Mind

Do you know that in reality, time as we know it or conceive it as seconds, minutes and hours does not exist.

This may seem crazy but it is true. It is true because time as seconds, minutes and hours does appear written in the sky or on the Earth or in the waves of the ocean. It only appears in our minds and on our clocks, watches, phones, tablets, computers and other numerous man-made devices. There is simply no natural source of time.

Basically though to live in eternity we have to kill time in our mind. Because how on Earth are we going to live in eternity when we still have time in our mind?

Killing time is a matter of investigation and waking up to a reality, that time does not exist.

The ego master Samuel says is time and memory and lives in time.

A Mental Contruction

Time as we follow it here on Earth is our own mental construction. We see a cycle, where an event repeats, and we divide the space in between the repetition of the event into seconds, minutes, hours, and we call that time. But what there is really is only an event repeating. That is the only reality - an event repeating itself, like a sunrise or a sunset.

Time is Relative

Time is also relative, what is a year here on Earth is different for the other planets. The duration that it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun is 365 Earth days where a day is the duration that it takes the Earth to complete one revolution on its axis. Other planets rotate quicker or slower on their own axis and other planets may take more time to orbit the sun.

What We Have in Our Life is Events Flowing and Processing Themselves - Not Time

So what we have really and only in our life is the flow of events and each event has a certain duration. This duration is set according the way the event fits into the whole in relation to other happenings.  

All that we can do is to speed up or slow down the way the events process themselves and flow from one event to the next.

What we only ever really and truly have is the the moment. That is why we must live in the moment, because that is all we have.

You know with our memory, we only remember moments and not days.

Find Ourselves in the Moment

We are always trying to find time for ourselves. As if it is only when we have time to ourselves that we can be ourselves and we can finally do what we want and relax not being in front of others.

But this is wrong, we are always ourselves and we must be ourselves in each moment not in special time periods, when we are alone for example.

Kill Time Within

So if we work on ourselves understanding that about time, that it does not exist and all that we have are moments, states of consciousness and the flow of events with a pre-determined duration. We can make crumble a lot of egoical things within us, as soon we recognise this that there is no time. But only, states of consciousness and the flow and process of events is what there is.

Living every moment helps us to kill time in our psychology. 


When we plan we are planning in the moment a future flow of events and we assign some duration to the process of each event, which we think should take this or that time in minutes, hours, days etc. As soon as a plan is set, we just forget live in the moment and try and make the plan come true.

End (2216).

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