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Wednesday 14 February 2018

Don’t Get Attached to Praise, Privileges or Positions - (2233)

Gone Like a Puff of Smoke

The three things mentioned above: praise, privileges and positons can be present in our lives, even for a long while but that does not mean to say that they can disappear at the drop of a hat. And in fact they do and can.

Be Wise

The most intelligent thing to do always when receiving any of the above three things is to not get attached to them. That is to not depend upon them for anything.
Do not make them within your psychology a base upon which you think about yourself, value yourself, or feel about yourself, perceive yourself or imagine or see yourself. Do not see yourself through those things.
If we do that we are well prepared for when those things stop.
Always remembering our inner Being is the best solution, the best preparation, the best means of navigation through life, tests, difficult circumstances and the path, and it is also the most authentic thing and realest thing to do.
End (2233).

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