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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Exorcism of the Elements - (2232)


Reflecting a little, we come to the conclusion that we do indeed have the four elements within us. They are for certain in our body and their characteristics are in our psychology.
Many people yearn to control the elements of nature and humankind certainly tries to do that.
However, true to the Gnostic spirit what is of more immediate importance is to learn how to control the elementals within our own nature. That is, learn how to control the elements within our body and within our psychology.
While we are learning to do this, a wonderful aid are the four magical formulas that allow a person to command their atomic elementals that constitute the elements in your body and psyche.
The ego is the cause of not being able to control our own elements or atomic elementals, however making the elements or atomic elementals passive within us, paralyses the ego. As the ego can only manifest by agitating the atomic elementals of our body to give life to its logic and to give manifestation to its desires.
Here below are the magical formulas to exorcise (a word which means command or control) the elementals or atomic elementals of our body.
The following exorcisms are excerpts from the Secret Doctrine of Anahuac by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Exorcism of the Earth

“By the pole of lodestone that passes through the heart of the world, by the twelve stones of the holy city, by the seven metals that run inside the veins of the earth and in the name of Gob obey me, subterranean workers...” 
Then, concentrated in Gob, the devotee makes the request.

Exorcism of the Water

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquarum et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius, et quae inferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius.

Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum et rursus a chelo in terram descendit.

Exorciso te, creatura aquae, ut sis mihi speculum del vivi in operibus ejus, et fons vitae, et ablutio peccatorum, Amen.”

Then, concentrated in Tláloc or Nicksa, the devotee makes their mental request.

Exorcism of the Air

Exorcise the air by blowing toward the four cardinal points with faith and saying the following:
“Spiritus dei ferebatur super aquas, et inspiravit in faciem hominis, spiraculum vitae, sit Michael dux meus, et Sabtabiel servus meus, in luce et per lucem.
“Fiat verbum halitus meus, et imperabo spiritibus aeris hujus, et refrenabo equos solis voluntate cordis mei, et cogitatione mentis meae et nutu oculi dextri.
“Exorciso igitur te, creatura aeris per Pentagrammaton et in nomine Tetragrammaton, in quibus sunt voluntas firma et fides recta.
“Amen, Sela, Fiat, Let it be.”
Then, concentrated on Michael and Sabtabiel, the devotee makes the request.

Exorcism of the Fire

Exorcise the fire by throwing into it salt, incense, white resin, camphor, and sulfur, pronouncing three times the three names of the genii of fire:
“Michael, King of the Sun and Lightning, Samael, King of Volcanoes, Anael, Prince of the Astral Light, I beg ye to hear my prayers. Amen.”
Then the devotee mentally formulates the request.
End (2232).

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