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Wednesday 21 February 2018

Each Ego is An Abyss - (2241)

Sorry – An Awful Post

Sorry in advance, this is an unpleasant post. None the less a post to reveal more about the nature of the ego that may be useful to derive a kick of motivation to push a bit harder in the psychological work.


This may not seem to be true: that each ego is an abyss - a psychological abyss, that is. But to those with the experience it is true.

One only knows it to be true when one is engulfed by an ego. This being engulfed by an ego may perhaps occur for reasons due to one’s own doing or for a special reason that escapes our immediate comprehension, but for whatever reason it has occurred, it is a chance of our life time for us to realise much about the ego and to use those realisations to catapult us out of that abyss.


Basically when the identification with that ego is great (three brains or even just intellect and emotion) and we live with that identification, then we fully enter the abyss of that ego and we realise that we are there.

Here is when we really learn much about the real nature of the ego. And here is where the decision to really fight with our all our might is born.

Battle Won or Lost

With such an experience one does not want the ego at all. One begins to yearn to get out of that abyss. One’s heart is then touched and it begins to swell into activity, and the reality of either swim or drown becomes ever more clear in our heart.  Before it was our mind that knew we have to eliminate the ego, but now it is the heart.

All fantasies of wanting to descend into the abyss to fight like a hero disappear. A real bitterness is felt that fantasy never took into account.

To be in the abyss of an ego is never ever pleasant no matter what ideas, fantasies or concepts we have about it.

The decision to fight must appear in us, otherwise the bitterness and pain will continue, mixed with an increasing loss of hope. One must not allow this situation to continue for long otherwise the most precious thing needed to get out of this predicament, which is hope, can be lost, then depression is around the corner.

Our work then is our only hope!

See it in the World Around Us

If we observe life we can find the abyss of the ego all around us everywhere.

Those that live by the ego are in an abyss.

To live for the ego is to be in that ego’s abyss. To live by the ego is to live in its abyss.

To have the ego has our driving force in life is to be in the abyss. Even the ego of mystical pride has its abyss that it drags us into, which is abyss of dreaming, compensation and ambition.

The world of drinking, gambling, obsessive money saving or money making, sex, fear, depression, revenge, competition, envy, war etc. are all abysses of an ego.

To be thinking about drinking and by morning one is in the bar until night is to be well in the abyss of that ego. In fact it is to be enslaved by it.

Conclusion – We Create the Abyss

It happens that the abyss is created here in physical life within our psychology first and then in our life.

As we live in these abysses of the ego here in our physical life we begin to create a reservation for us in the abyss of nature.

When our physical body dies, then within our psyche, the strongest ego begins to function just as it did in life and it projects its abyss and by the natural las of affinity, entropy, gravity, correlation, correspondence, number, weight and measurement we gravitate or move to the regions of nature that match this ego. And those regions are the inferior or infra-dimensions of nature.

The same thing with the heavens. As we begin to live more in our consciousness here we begin to reserve a place for ourselves in the superior dimensions of nature.

If this happens to us, that we experience the abyss of an ego, it is so that we fight to get out of it. The way to get out is always only ever the work!

The work takes us to remember how we got there and to reverse all that we did to get there and so then we can climb out.
End (2242).

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