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Wednesday 21 February 2018

When Our Loved Ones Get Sick - (2242)

Angry, Annoyed, Worried, Scared…

It is not an easy time when our loved ones get sick. Whether that be our parents, brothers, sisters or friends. It is even worse when that sickness looks like it will or may take them to that which we don’t want to consider.
We may feel any or more of the above strong emotions.
From our Gnostic work point of view such a time is a chance for us to produce within ourselves the noblest act of transformation whose result is a love that changes everything inside of us and blesses, protects, heals, comforts and a brings comforting peace closer.


As hard as it is, accepting is the first thing to do to transform all these emotions into that love from our essence that I mentioned above.
This can be such a huge task, such a huge thing to do. But to not do it is to deny ourselves the grace of the love that can flow so beautifully and powerfully out of heart for them.
Everyone has to die, everyone has to pay some karma as some point. Do we accept that for ourselves and our loved ones?
If I accept that my loved one has to die, then I can love the way that they are going to go. The way that they are going to go is a part of their life. It is what the Law and their Being has worked out for them.
By not accepting it, we are in effect fighting them, and the negative emotions mentioned above stay with us.

We Don’t Want that they Suffer

Above all we just don’t want that they suffer.
We sadly just can’t do much about that at times. If it is that they suffer it is because they are paying off debts. Each second of suffering is a second closer to future beautiful blissful peace for them.
The best that we can do though is to not suffer ourselves. We are in separate bodies and what is going on in their body is not what is going on in our body.
It is better to be a beacon of light, love and faith for them and to do that we must have our essence present in us. Negative emotions cloud out our essence.
The best thing that we can do for them is to bring out their essence. With their essence active their Being is the closest that it can be.


We may have passed through that situation already or we are going to pass through it in the future. That is a guarantee and is the wisest thing always is to prepare.
Love is such a powerful force, loving them through their process and loving that process is the best gift, it is the balm, it is the grace and it is lifeline in these times. We have to look to powerful conscious love in such a time, it the time of the essence, the Being in us and them, the time of the blessed Masters of the Medicine and the time of the blessed angels of death that can guide, protect, look after and guide our loved ones after death.
End (2242).

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