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Thursday 8 February 2018

Practice of Mental Silence Drops you Down to Deeper Levels where it is Louder - (2226)

Practicing Well then Worse

We make efforts at practicing mental silence and slowly our capacity to create silence appears and then we get to enjoy moments and short periods of silence and the relaxation, joy and contentment that comes with it.
Then it gradually starts to get worse again, where the mind seems more active than before we see thoughts about way back in the past and about things that are more egocially intense and heavy.
We then naturally think that we are not doing well or that we are doing something wrong and we think this does not work and we give up!
Big mistake, a lack of esoteric education and culture is at work in such an attitude.

Deeper Levels are Louder and Nastier

The deeper levels of our mind are more active and contain things are that more intensely egoic and are of a heavier nature. The deeper we go into our mind the more we make contact with the past.
So the deeper we go the worse it is going to get.
So one is doing well when one is practicing consistently then suddenly or slowly goes from peace and quiet to pure “Oh no what is this thought?”.

End (2226).

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