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Thursday 8 February 2018

You Don’t Want to be Loved You Want to Love and there is Your Peace! - (2225)

Truth is You Can’t Make Someone Love You

You can’t control another’s heart and don’t even think that you can because as soon as you do you are going to set up for a long path of suffering.
Mostly when we desire someone’s love it is because we do not have them in properly in our heart. They just don’t quite fit in very well. There just feels to be something missing or something just doesn’t quite feel so comfortable (70% good but 30% hmmmm don’t know, what is that feeling?).

The Key

This one single observation is the key to it all.
The key is to not make extra efforts to please the other person and submit yourself thinking that will make you more trustworthy and lovable but to make efforts to reconcile that person into your own heart.
As soon as you can make that fit comfortably into your own heart with those gaps covered and with that strange uncomfortable feeling virtually gone then we can sigh an ‘Ah!’ of peace.
This may take lots of psychological work and inquiry but is worth it.

Love in the Heart

When that person is in your heart there is love for that person and you have love their for them. So then we may ask where are they, they are in our heart and in our love. Whatever they are, enemy or foe or friend, they are in our heart and to us they are neither of these things but what it is that we feel for them in our heart.
When we have love in our heart for another we have love, the love that we want. We are actually giving that love that we want, to ourselves. Then we have it.
We know that we have love when they do not give love back and we keep that feeling their in our heart. Then we have love in our heart and we are not needy any more.

Manage Your Heart

All that you can do always is to manage your own love.
It is always more satisfying to love not having any needs and gaps in your heart. Then you can really love, because is when we love when we are arrow of love shotting outwards others.
What is better? To love or be loved? To love is better. The ideal is to love and be loved. But being loved does not depend on us so much it depends on the heart of the other.
Cupid is always shown shooting an arrow never with his or its arms open wanting to receive arrows.

Still Want Love

Still want love from the other, well really it will only happen when the other person does the same, that is puts you in their heart and in that case they give love to themselves. Then that love comes to you.
Still, even though you want love you can’t do anything, it is not up to you and perhaps the more that you try the worse it may become. The conclusion is to create and manage your own love. There is your Being and there is salvation, hope and satisfaction.

Mediocre Love

We have a lot of egos of self-love because we don’t really know how love works. That is loving through others that mediocre logic of “if you love me I love you”, “if you are happy then I am happy”. To be like this is to have fabricated nothing in our essence to do with love. In such a case we possess no love, the ‘love’ we feel all depends on the other person and that my dear reader is suffering!

End (2225).

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