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Tuesday 13 February 2018

The Ego Does Not Remember Friends - (2230)

The “I’s” are Islands

Each ego or “I” that we have is an island.

Being an Island Means

The ego being an island means that it does not have connections to any other element.
One of the very many elements that each “I” is not connected to are friends.
Each ego is also not connected to the work or the path.

So Often

When a person improves their human circumstances they forget about their old friends. Simply because, one: the new egos are not connected to them and two: the person is now identified with those egos.
A person may have been good friends with people in his neighbourhood but when we relocates and gets a well-paying job in the city he forgets his old friends.
Our consciousness is not isolated and disconnected from the many things in our life.
Our consciousness remembers our friends and feels gratitude towards them.
The egos on the other hand feels better than them and looks upon them with the slight touch of disdain if for some reason they enter our mind.
End (2230).

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