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Tuesday 13 February 2018

No Good or Evil Just Evolutionary and Involutionary Processes - (2231)

Evolution and Involution

As Master Samael says these two forces or processes permeate the whole of creation. They are the two axes upon which creation is built upon. These two forces produce a great balance among all things.

If we were to remove one, we would have a terrible unbalance.

These two forces are a direct expression of duality.

Evolutionary is all that is constructive, progressive, increasing, growing and developing. While involution is the exact opposite, it is all that is destructive, decreasing, decaying and atrophying, 

Good and Evil are Concepts

Master Samael dares to say that good and evil as we know it do not really exist in reality out there in the cosmos. Good and evil are present as concepts within our heads. These concepts of good and evil are also relative. What is good to one person is not good to another. This observation of the relativity of good and evil shows us clearly that good and evil are mental concepts.

Master Samael says that what really exists out there are evolutionary and involutionary process. 

Relative Sense of Evil Not an Absolute Sense

Our whole problem in the world is that we all have a relative sense of evil. If we had an absolute sense of evil everyone would agree on what is evil and then we would stop many and many more conflicts from emerging. Then there would be more peace on Earth.

Nothing is Good or Evil Until the Mind Says So

All events and phenomena in nature are all neither good nor bad but what they are: events. Our mind classifies them as good or bad. This also shows us that good and evil are mental constructs or concepts.

What is best is to see things in terms of their result as evolutionary or involutionary characteristics rather than see things through the filter of good and evil.

This teaching from Master Samael is a real eye opener and gives us the impetus to break the many concepts of good and evil that we could have.

End (2231).

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