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Thursday 8 February 2018

Throwing Away Food - (2224)

Mistress Litelantes on Food Waste

It has been said that Mistress Litelantes told someone that if you want to face hunger in life throw away food.
It is really alarming how much we can end up throwing good food away, in our own home, not to mention the amount that supermarkets all over the world throw away.
Hence the various movements such as “Food Rescue” that are popping up now, trying to prevent the huge wastage of food.

The Key

The key to not having to throw away food is to shop very intelligently. To buy only what you know you will eat, based on previous experience.
It is a domino effect or a chain of cause and effect. The more we buy, the more food ends up being stored and as time passes one gets busy and forgets about it or does not have time to cook it and so it sits there and when you want to eat it, it is old and tasteless and so into the bin it goes.

Crows, Seagulls and River Rats

Thankfully there are remedies and remedies, it seems like the crows, seagulls and river rats naturally by the river are always more than happy to snap up any bit of unwanted but still ok food.
End (2224).

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