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Friday 16 March 2018

Amazing! Use the Law of Three – (2287)


This post is to expand a little on something my marvellous missionary has said now and then. I find it very so helpful.
If we apply it, we can solve and avoid so many problems when comes to relating and interacting with people.

When Relating to Others

If we seek balance all things are always going to go alright!

The key to seeking balance is to seek it inside of the three. Not between the two but through the third.
Just like there are there the two sides to every event plus a third side which is the synthesis or comprehension of the event which is also happens to be the truth of the event or closer to the truth of the event.

The Law of Three in Relationships

In a relationship there are the two people or the two groups and then because we are working on ourselves there is the work making three aspects in total.

If there is no work, then it must be ethics or values. Anyhow we have the work so I’ll continue…

If we only deal with and consider duality, that is between only the two (i.e. person to person with no third aspect or intermediary such as the work), we will be always become stuck and in engaged in conflict of some kind.

Bring the Work as the Third

Whenever dealing with people bring the third aspect, the work along with you and put it in between you and the person. Or if not the work, a set of higher principles, ethics and values and process the relationship through these things avoiding the personal hurt. Even when hurt, process that hurt with the other person using the work and the set of higher ethics and values which also belong to the work.

In an Alchemical couple, love between the two people is through and by virtue of the work. Which is the third aspect in the three. It is the purpose and glue of their relationship.

When we use the third aspect, the work, we are producing balance.

End (2287).

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