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Thursday 15 March 2018

7 Cosmoses - How are the Number of Laws for Each Cosmos Derived? – (2286)


The numbers of laws in each cosmic order is easy to remember, but to know how they are derived is a little different.

So, this post is about exactly that, explaining how the number of Laws for each cosmos is derived.

Cosmic Laws

Here are the number of laws for each cosmos.

Protocosmos:                     1 law (spiritual suns - Absolute)
Ayocosmos                          3 laws (clusters of galaxies)
Macrocosmos                     6 laws (galaxies)
Deutrocosmos                   12 laws (solar systems)
Mesocosmos                       24 laws (planets)
Microcosmos                      48 laws (human being)
Tritocosmos                       96 laws (first region of the abyss)

After the Protocosmos the number of laws simply doubles. Here’s how that happens.

General Means of Derivation

Law of Three

The Law of Three is introduced into the Absolute, where the Law of One reigning in the Absolute unfolds into three separate laws. That is, the one becomes three new laws, which we know of as the three primary forces, the Holy Affirming, the Holy Denying and the Holy Reconciling.

This is how the Law of Three acts on the Law of One. It unfolds one into three.

Origin of the Law of Three Come From?

Where does the Law of Three – the Holy Triamazikamno come from? The absolute is the answer.  That is from the great diversity of laws and principles that exists within the Absolute.

Action of the Three

Then the Law of Three acts on the three laws just established. Then the Law of Three acts on those laws and so on and so on all the way down to the ninth sphere of the abyss.


The Law of One reigns in the protocosmos. Master Samael says that this is the world order of spiritual suns.


From the Protocosmos unfolds the Ayocosmos, which is the unfolding of the one law into 3 laws, to form the number of laws in the Ayocosmos, which is three.

Then later, what happens is that the Law of Three operates in the Ayocosmos to produce new unfoldings of these first original set of three laws that are present in the Ayocosmos. Hence the Macrocosmos unfolds from the Ayocosmos.

Macrocosmos (Galaxy)

In the Ayocosmos we get the 1 law unfolding into three laws, let’s call them 1, 2 and 3.

Now in the Macrocosmos, the Law of Three operates on the first set of three laws which we are calling them 1, 2 and 3.

When the Law of Three operates on these original three laws we get the following unfoldings of laws:

Law 1 unfolds into: 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.
Law 2 unfolds into: 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Law 3 unfolds into: 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

This gives us a total of 9 unfoldings or combinations.

We must though eliminate the three repeats of the original three laws, that is eliminate: 1.1, 2.2 and 3.3 because they are the same result as the original three (1, 2, 3), they unfold to be the same.

In the end, we arrive at: 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1 and 3.2 as the unfolding of 6 new laws.

Deutrocosmos (Solar Systems)

In the Duetrocosmos the same principle applies. The six laws of the Macrocosmos are acted upon by the law of three unfolding the combinations above into the following:

Law 1.2 unfolds into: 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3.
Law 1.3 unfolds into: 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.
Law 2.1 unfolds into: 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
Law 2.3 unfolds into: 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.
Law 3.1 unfolds into: 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
Law 3.2 unfolds into: 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.

This gives us 18 new unfoldings, however some are the same as the previous set of laws. For example 1.2.2 is the same as 1.2.

Once again we must discard the repeats, which are: 1.2.2, 1.3.3, 2.1.1, 2.3.3, 3.1.1, and 3.2.2.

Giving us: 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1 and 3.2.3.

Therefore we are left with 12 new laws.

Mesocosmos (Planets)

In the Mesocosmos the exact same workings apply. The 12 laws of the Duetrocosmos are acted upon by the Law of Three and the result is that we get 12 x 3 new unfoldings which is 36. However, in the unfolding of one of the 12 laws there is always a repeat meaning that we have to take out one making meaning that there are only three 12 x 2 = 24 new unfoldings. See how this works below.

Law 1.2.1 unfolds into:, and
Law 1.2.3 unfolds into:, and
Law 1.3.1 unfolds into:, and
Law 1.3.2 unfolds into:, and
Law 2.1.2 unfolds into:, and
Law 2.1.3 unfolds into:, and
Law 2.3.1 unfolds into:, and
Law 2.3.2 unfolds into:, and
Law 3.2.1 unfolds into:, and
Law 3.2.3 unfolds into:, and
Law 3.1.2 unfolds into:, and
Law 3.1.3 unfolds into:, and

We must eliminate the following unfoldings: 1.2.11,,,,,,,,,,, and

Leaving us with 24 unique new laws or unfoldings.

Microcosmos (Human Being)

In the Microcosmos the exact same workings apply. The 24 laws of the Mesocosmos are acted upon by the Law of Three and the result is that we get 24 x 3 new unfoldings which is 72. However, in the unfolding of one of the 24 laws there is always a repeat meaning that we have to take out one making meaning that there are only three 24 x 2 = 48 new unfoldings.

Tritocosmos (Abyss)

The Tritocosmos is very interesting. Because the Laws of the Tritocosmos unfold in a very different way. They essentially double and double again. See below:

1st Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 2 = 96 laws.
2nd Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 4 = 192 laws.
3rd Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 6 = 288 laws.
4th Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 8 = 384 laws.
5th Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 10 = 480 laws.
6th Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 12 = 576 laws.
7th Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 14 = 672 laws.
8th Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 x 16 = 768 laws.
9th Sphere of the Tritocosmos: 48 = 18 = 864 laws.

This shows us the law of two is at play, in that the abyss or the tritocosmos is the duality acting on the duality. Meaning it is one side of duality that unfolds into two again. Because you know that the Kliphos is the dual opposite of the tree of life so it is one side of duality, i.e. an unfolding of duality already, giving it the initial doubling of laws and then the usual doubling of laws applies giving each sphere times four the number of laws (48) in the microcosmos.

Duality – The Law of Two in All of This

Observing how the number of laws doubles is directly duality. Once there is creation then there appears relativity and duality. The two sides of the unfolding each world order form the new world order. For example, the Macrocosmos has six laws and both sides of the six laws gives you a total of 12 laws.

End (2286).

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