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Monday 5 March 2018

Faith, Hope and Love in Lemuria Dissolved the “I’s” - (2264)

Faith, Hope and Love

In very remote times (Lemuria) when the ego in relativity was not so old as it is now and humanity was not as degenerated as it is now, Master Samael said it was possible to dissolve the “I” and “I’s” using just these three values of the Being: faith , hope and love.

The full excerpt from the book: “Yes there is a Hell, Yes there is a Devil, Yes there is Karma”.


“In other times, when the terrible results of the abominable Kundabuffer organ had not been specifically developed, it was possible to appeal to the inner factor that originates the impulses of faith, hope and love to motivate the force or forces that could disintegrate incipient subjective elements.

Unfortunately, that basic factor of such mentioned impulses went through diverse degenerative processes, due to the exorbitant development of the bad consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ.

It is certainly painful that that factor, originator of the inner impulses related with faith, hope and love, could have degenerated radically.

Because of this motive we now have to appeal to the only factor that has not yet been lost.

I want to emphatically refer to the essence, the psychic material, that is certainly the foundation, the basis of all of our psychic organization.

To liberate such an essence is urgent, undelayable, unable to be postponed, if we want to seriously elaborate the golden flower, the golden embryo.”

V.M Samael Aun Weor

End (2264).

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