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Monday 5 March 2018

Prayer to Dissolve Ego for > 2.5 Mountain But not for 0 and 1.X Mountains - (2265)


In short, it is for the people in the years of Job in the second mountain, that with prayer they can activate the values of the Being needed to dissolve the egos they are working on. 

To not be in the second mountain and believe that you can dissolve the ego with just prayer is to be mistaken. To forget about comprehension and look to prayer only is a mistake. This post explains why.

Back in Lemuria

Master Samael said that in Lemuria faith, hope and love were all that was needed to dissolve the ego. 
Remembering the Being and praying to the Being work to activate these values within us. 

However that only works once one has gotten to the point of having transcended the origin of the ego, and that is achieved in the second mountain.

This means that once the work of eh person takes them all the way back to the state where the ego was as weak as it was in those times where the ego had been relatively recently formed is when faith, hope and love work to dissolve the ego.

Comprehension is Needed

The “I’s” that we have were created with action and much psychological ‘goings on’ behind that action. Such as thinking, reasoning, justifying, arguing, protesting, complaining, lacking, feeling, needing etc. etc. 

The “I’s” that we have were not created by prayer. So prayer can not be the main way of unravelling them. The main way of unravelling the “I’s” that we created must be through the way we created them. It is the comprehension of the “I’s” by our own consciousness that unravels them.

Our role is to comprehend and it is the Divine Mother’s role to eliminate. She eliminates in accordance with our comprehension. The more we have comprehended the “I”, the more effective our prayer to her to eliminate the ego will be.

Each ego has a deep meaning and once that deep meaning has been captured our Monad has then captured the cosmic significance of why that ego was created. With the Monad in possession of that deep significance there is then no more reason for that Monad to be burdened by that ego. Consequently the Monad will not create it again. Comprehension brings about the capture of the deep significance of the ego.

Comprehension brings facts. It allows what has been comprehended d to merge in with the consciousness and it allows the consciousness to take charge in that area where the ego would manifest. The consciousness produces action and so comprehension is action. Prayer on the other hand is different. Someone may pray a lot but in the heat of the moment if there is no comprehension all of that prayer has not helped.

Comprehension is work with one’s essence and soul. It is something that also touches and activates our inner Being.


The values of the Being activated through prayer are very strong and they can do marvels in the direction of displacing, weakening and dissolving the ego. 

Obviously though those people in the second mountain are those that have comprehended the ego greatly and so comprehension is not so necessary for them. However for those of us not in the second mountain then comprehension is needed. 

It is a mistake to not be in the second mountain and try and work like someone who is in the second mountain.

So it would make more sense in relation to the work of the ego to comprehend more and pray in accordance with one’s comprehension. Like in a vigil for example I would work more in comprehension than in prayer because comprehension brings facts and prayer does not always do that, especially in a person who is more ego than essence.

End (2265).

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