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Monday 19 March 2018

Something to Perhaps Consider when About to Help Others – (2291)

Possible Advice

This is what my marvelous missionary would advise someone if they are about to get involved and help pout another person.

“We can help others when our dharmic value is greater than the karmic value of the situation or problem. Not having enough dharma can mean a lot of complications when we try to help others.”


Obviously if we do not have enough dharma and we get involved we will become part of the karmic value and so we will have to pay somehow as well. Not as much but we will have to pay something, and by something, I mean inconvenience, delay, hardship, sacrifice at some personal cost etc.

There is also the issue that those involved are in that difficulty because they lack the dharma to resolve it and leave it behind them, so they will not be able to repay you so quickly if at all for a long while.

End (2291).

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