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Saturday 17 March 2018

Dealing with Violent Thoughts – (2290)


This topic is something of an unknown because it is not commonly spoken of. Mainly because it is very unpleasant and nobody wants to hear that content. Plus speaking about one’s thought is not always convenient among those who do not know you well and you have not built up a level of trust with them
This topic is more something that only the person him or herself knows about. However, this certainly does not mean that everyone knows how to effectively deal with such thoughts.
In effect, this post is limited, because it can not state things like: ‘everyone has these thoughts’, or that ‘these thoughts are common’, rather this post will reach its maximum usefulness by explaining how to deal with them.

Things to Know About These Thoughts

The following points are helpful to be aware of:


First of all it is just a thought, it is not happening and you are not doing it.


Each thought comes from a thinker, that is there is an ego behind those thoughts. Remove the thinker and the thoughts disappear. Meaning the thoughts can be modified. They are not permanent.


The thoughts come from an ego, and you as essence are pristine and clear of corruption or damage. However you conditioned a piece of that essence in violence, and that piece has to be unravelled.


Thoughts denounce a certain will or intention. This is the key, remove the intention or will and there is no reason for the thoughts and images.


Thoughts contain images and those images are from the messy stockpile of memories of the things that we have seen in movies, books, magazines and even the things we have imagined while hearing about this and that event.


Thoughts come and go. If they persist they will just keep coming and going more often. They are not a problem, if we let them go and see them as birds that fly across the sky leaving no mark or trace we have taken a tremendous step. We have separated from them and there is no more panic, self-deprecation, worry etc. but work to be done to eliminate the ego that thinks them.

Dealing with Them

1. - Be Strong – It is Only a Thought – Do not Get Scared, Face them with Serene Openness

It is the power of one willing to be serene in the face of these violent thoughts that overcomes them. Not tensing up, making a face, clenching our fists, grinding our teeth, but pouring our effort and will into being serene.

2. - Recognise the Content of the Thoughts in Memory

Seeing how the images are snippets of things we have seen or heard or imagined helps a lot because then we can see the mechanical nature of it, and it is so much easier then to separate from.

3. - Point of Injustice

Violence deep down is all about injustice. Behind every violent thought there is some injustice or there was injustice that first originated the thoughts and perhaps now the thoughts are just mechanical replays.
The injustice supplies the intention and will of the thought.
This is really the hard part because we have to search deeply and widely within ourselves and within the thought.
Please note, this injustice may not be always about what another has done to you, it could be about what we have done to another or what we have done to ourselves as well.

Know the Thought’s Reason

Once you recognise the reason of the thought whether it may be to compensate for an injustice suffered, or to cover a fear, or to cover a mistake that we made, etc. we then need to constantly displace the reason for that thought., telling ourselves we can deal with that injustice in a different, way by dissolving the factor that created the injustice in us or by dissolving the ego that has caused us that pain.
When we see that others never hurt us but we do it to ourselves we can dislodge that injustice from our interior and with that, the reason for the thoughts will weaken and so will the power behind the thoughts also weaken.

Displace the reason and KRIM.

Pray to the Divine Mother with serenity explain how we can no displace the reason for the thought and then begging her to eliminate the ego or egos behind those thoughts.


Doing this will definitely change our nature, making us softer, kinder, more good willed and more intelligent. As it takes a good degree of intelligence to solve things without violence.
In the absence of violent thoughts, we can really begin to see it possible to develop the compassionate heart and a kindness and warmth that is untainted with interest and is open to all.
End (2290).

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