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Tuesday 13 March 2018

Walking the Path of the Moment - (2283)

Attention, Organization, Relaxation and Silence

Here is a very effective practice to use to arrive at the silence of the mind. This is a practice that my marvelous missionary took us through one day.

The above four words (Attention, Organization, Relaxation and Silence) are stages of arriving at the silence of the mind.

This post explains this particular practice, which some, I think will find effective and which others may not, as with everything...


With the body relaxed, place your attention on your mind. Do this carefully and serenely. When your attention is placed on your mind your awareness of how your mind is and what is happening in your mind will gradually increase. This is good and necessary. If you are a little patient and keep your attention in a relaxed yet aware way on your mind this will happen.

Once we are aware of our thoughts we can begin to organize our mind.


This is the more difficult stage and this may take a little while. But it is certainly worth it. 

In this stage, see the various thoughts appearing and then see what each thought represents. Is it a thought of the past, is it about the future, is it about a problem, does it belong to an ego?

If it is about the past or future say to yourself there is nothing that I can do about it now while in this practice, when the right future moment appears I will deal with it then.

If it is about a problem tell yourself that you will solve it later or leave it as it is and solve it when it is the right time to solve it, or just forget it and it will be solved as you go.

If the thought is about an ego, see if the thought is true or half true. Is it a projection? In any way we that we look at it, the ego thinking these thoughts is not worth feeding it, because that only makes it worse.

Seeing the thoughts and giving them their correct place is to organise the mind. Organising the mind leads naturally to relaxation, because the mind comes to see that there is not such a great need need to think.


In this stage is where we begin to stop thinking, this is achieved by letting the thoughts go. Each thought that appears should be let go of, allowing the mind to rest from its constant thinking.

The more we do this the greater the gap between the thoughts will be, and so silence can then begin to appear within us. Relaxation leads to silence.


In the silence reigns the living path of the moment. It is the place where we are the closest to ourselves and know ourselves the best and it is where we can hear 'the voice of the silence', that is the voice of our inner Atman or Spirit-Being as Master Samael says.

End (2283).

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