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Wednesday 14 March 2018

Mistress Litelantes and the Science of Jinas - (2284)


As we may well know Master Samael’s priestess wife, who was also an adept, was a specialist in the science of Jinas.

The name of her inner Master is Litelantes, with the Venerable Master occupying a seat among the 42 judges presiding in the halls of Cosmic Justice. Her physical name was Arnolda Garro de Gomez.

This post is about how it seems in her own account the young Mistress Litelantes first learnt the science of Jinas.

How She Learnt it

It is written that she gave an account, where as a youth of thirteen years old living in Columbia, she would help an old lady by carrying water up to her abode, located on a hill top, roughly a one kilometre high climb.
As a kind of a reward for her efforts, the old lady offered to teach the young Arnolda the science of Jinas, as long as she abided by this one condition, which was that she would not use it to see her boyfriend or to see any other man.
The young Arnolda agreed and so the old lady taught the secrets of the Orphic Egg to initiate her into the science of Jinas.

Retiring to Bed Elegantly and Fully Dressed

The young Arnolda was very fortunate to have found a white Jinas in that old lady and so she learnt how to move positively in the fourth dimension. As her skills and ability developed she began to explore and travel widely to encounter many white temples. One of them being the temple of Montserrat in Spain, where the holy grail safely resides within the fourth dimension.

It was also written that the young Arnold would retire to her bed at night fully dressed and her sisters became very suspicious of her as to why she did that and they even perceived that she was leaving at night. She would give the excuse that it was much better to sleep fully dressed so that in the morning one is completely ready to go.

Practice of the Orphic Egg

The practice of Jinas invoking the Venerable Master Harpocrates while holding a hollowed out painted blue egg that Master Samael gives to us was the same practice it seems that the young Arnolda was taught by that old lady.

See the image below for this practice and some other practices that Master Samael gave to develop the science of Jinas.

End (2284).

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