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Friday 16 March 2018

Swear Words by Duality Point to What Humans Consider Most Sacred - (2289)

An Interesting Observation...

By duality the worst swear words or expressions show us what human beings consider most divine, holy, sacred and precious.

In the English speaking countries and cultures all the worst swear words and expressions have to do with sex and motherhood. In other countries the worst swear words are about the church, religion and the Christ as well as sex and motherhood.

Now applying duality even if human beings don't accept it, the things that human beings deep down within themselves consider sacred, special, divine and precious are: sex, motherhood (Divine Feminine) and the Christ (the Son).

The question is that the human being has big egos that block access to the place in the human being where these things are known as sacred, precious and very special.

Just as an interesting side point, if we apply duality to many aspects of human attitude, thought and behaviour, we can discover many interesting things about the essence, nature, creation and the design of  things.

See the duality in play.


What interests me about this observation is that many people consider sex not to be sacred but rather something unclean. However, it is right in front of their nose that deep down within them they know that sex is sacred, becasue the swear words that they use to deeply offend are always against what is most divine, such as sex.

Why this Post

I wrote this post, becasue swearing is a considerable part of people's spoken and written language. Some of course much more than others, yet we are we are not really conscious of why these particular swear words and what we are really doing when we swear.

Amazing Refinement

An amazing refining effect to our own word can be achieved by not using swear words. The effect also modifies the three brains in a positive way as well. Here's why...

This one thing has quite far reaching implications for our word. As soon as we try to stop using swear words we begin to think of other words that and naturally this makes us to modify our own thinking and then therefore our emotions, and then out of this toning down of thinking and emotion we naturally chose different words to express our surprise, disappointment, frustration, irritation etc.

In summary, the effort to not use swear words makes us use our three brains positively and this skill when it becomes a habit changes our reactions to life making them more balanced. I say more balanced, becasue it is out of proportion (unbalanced) to be using a swear word declaring oneself against something very sacred and divine, when we drop a glass on the floor, especially when it only takes five minutes to sweep and mop it up.

End (2289).

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