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Sunday 15 April 2018

Consider the Machine Analogy to Understand Our Multi-Dimensional Constitution as Human Beings – (2329)


This post is an analogy-making type of a post. Where I make an analogy to a man-made machine to help us understand how all things have their various dimensions as do we and also to shed some light on the many stories of magical legend where inanimate objects are brought to life.


My marvellous missionary has taught many times that if we want to understand something esoteric, find the thing in human life that corresponds to it, and start by understanding the human thing. Once we have understood the human thing we will better be able to understand the esoteric thing that corresponds to it.


Currently, my physical work consists of documenting the mechanical and electrical aspects of some very large mining machinery. While doing this I came to understand a bit more how everything has seven dimensions.

My marvellous missionary says that while in a park with Master Samael in Mexico, a leaf fell from a tree and Master Samael said that that leaf has its seven dimensions and so everything else also has seven dimensions.

So then, even machines have seven dimensions, meaning they have a physical, vital, mental, causal, buddhic and Atmic causal component to them. “What!” you reply. Well let’s see. By the way it really gets interesting from the emotional component upwards.

Let’s for example take a machine like this one here below, whose function is to receive ore mined from the ground and create large stockpiles in a stockyard, which are then later reclaimed and loaded onto a ship for export.


The physical component of the machine consists of the metal structure, the metal frames, beams, nuts, bolts, wheel, cables, motors and all the various other metal and rubber mechanical parts that allow the machine its various functions.


The vital component is energy or the electrical current that moves through all the cabling into the motors, lights, computers that allow the machine movement and in effect bring the machine to life causing it to function as designed.


This is where things get interesting and a little complicated. The machine itself does not have feelings or emotion, so essentially its astral dimension is empty. But yet as does everything else, it still has an astral counterpart and we know that the astral is the world of emotions.

The astral counterpart of the machine is the astral dimension of each of the materials that make up the machine and also within the astral dimension of the machine are residues of the emotions of those who assembled it.

The astral is also the world of desire, so the desire that wishes the machine to be built is also present in the machine’s astral dimension.


Once again the machine’s mental dimension is empty. However, it has as its mental counterpart the mental dimension of each of its parts which gives the machine as a whole a presence in the mental world. However there is more to it than that.

The mental component of the machine is the organisation of the machine’s parts and functions. That organisation was designed by the mind of its design engineers and its physical organisation is really crystallised mind.

Its mental component is also in the logic that has been programmed into the software that makes it function.

The mental dimension of the machine also contains the mental part of its designers and those who built it, which is a little more than emotional residue which is present in its astral dimension. This is because everything is crystallised mind.


The reason why the machine has been created is within the causal dimension of the machine. So here we really understand how the causal side of things is quite transcendental.

We as human beings only ever really see the physical, vital, astral and mental side of things. Rarely do we see the causal side.

In the causal side we see as Master Samael said, the origin of things which is the natural cause of things.

Obviously in the causal dimension of the machine is the reason why it was built, which in this case is to play a part in making the mining operation of a large company successful. So greed, ambition is a part of the reason why it has been built but there are others as well.
Obviously if there was no demand in the world for the type of mineral that they are mining which is bauxite, there would be no reason for this machine to be built.
Aluminium is primarily used in buildings, engineering, cabling and in transportation.
Within the causal world there is a huge interconnecting of causes and effects. The cause for the demand for that type of mineral is also in the causal dimension of that machine. The causal dimension of that machine is in fact linked to the causal dimension of the forces that drive the need for aluminium.

The Human Machine

Just like this machine, we are also similar. Our human machine or body has its parts and dimensions.
The physical is its flesh and bones, the vital its energy, the astral are the emotions, the mental its mind and the causal is its will.
The will dimension of the human machine is what is interesting really. There are the causes to do with the continuation of the life of the Earth, the will of our Monad and the karma that we have. There is a huge interconnection of causes of effects in our causal dimension.
What is interesting is that we have those dimensions as all things do but what fills those dimensions is the interesting thing. In our case our body or human machine has a presence in the physical and etheric planes but when it comes to the astral, mental and causal planes we may have a body there or we may not.
However the human machine or body has an astral, mental and causal dimension, which could be filled with something or it could be empty. It can be filled with the internal bodies or it can be filled with the egos or the essence. In the case of the Buddhic or Atmic dimensions the consciousness and the Spirit of the human being occupy those dimensions.

If there is something though in those dimensions the physical and vital parts can be commanded and come to life. In our case we have in those dimensions an element of life which is our essence. So really our essence or its conditioned parts command the physical from the internal dimensions. Machines do not have life because in their internal dimensions there is no element of life in them. But if something is to be put into those dimensions then they will come to life.

Magical Legend Inanimate Objects

The key is here in what Master Samael said about Atlantis where the elementals of nature, that is the nature spirits were put into mechanical robots to give those robots life. Then those robots would be made into an army where they would fight other armies.
So inanimate objects can be brought to life just all depending on what is put into their dimensions.
End (2329).

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