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Monday 16 April 2018

Low Self Image is a Big Problem – (2330)


The image or perception that we have of ourselves is very important. I would say more important than we actually realise.
As far as I can observe, the image a person has of him or herself provides a base or foundation for the person’s egos to function.
Without that base, those egos are left debilitated without a foundation to act upon.
Our self-image acts as an envelope that captures certain egos and gives them a direction in which to act. Our self-image determines the many egos that frequently manifest in us and it also directly influences the egos which we call upon for support or that we resort to when things go sour.

For Example

If a person for example has a very low image of him or herself it makes so much sense that that person will draw into his or her psychology the negative aspects of pride (self-compassion, self-pity) as well as so many other egos that serve to bring the person down in many ways.
Unfortunately, the egos that bring a person down are negative in nature of considerable weight.
Just think for a moment, have you ever met a drunkard, an addict of some kind that has had a glowing self-image? That is, he or she thinks of him or herself in balanced and reasonable terms? No way, they all think of themselves as useless, worthless, flawed, broken, victims, rotten etc. etc.

Personal Investigation

If we explore our self-image we will without doubt find the link to the many egos that we frequently call upon.
This is because these egos actually feed the self-image that we have.
It also makes sense that if a person has an overly high self-image that person will call into their psychology egos that prop up their self-image, which are usually the egos that belong the positive side of pride, such as arrogance, vanity, self-love etc.

Correct to a Balanced Self-Image

The work to do is to correct our self-image, whether it be overly negative or overly positive to a realistic and balanced one. The realistic and balanced self-image is the tone that sees ourselves as a human being who has human being, with an essence inside that is linked to a Divinity and that there are also many “I’s” dwelling inside that have to be worked on and dissolved.
End (2330).

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