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Tuesday 24 April 2018

Dash the Untouchable Concepts - (2347)


ANZAC day in Australia is today. From the common point of view as an Australian, it is a sacred day. A day to remember all those who fell in world war one and two. It is a sad day, with a dawn service, a bugle sounding the “last post”, war veteran parades and so on.

Just imagine someone stands up and says: “What a load of …!”. My goodness me such a person would really have to run!

Well you know someone can do that one day and how are we going to react? I would prefer to be psychologically dead in that, and not get all shocked, disgusted and irate and end up verbally insulting the person or worse.

Being a Gnostic

Being a Gnostic someone who works on themselves. One can investigate such concepts and detach it from one’s pride and anger. This certainly does not mean that one would stop respecting ANZAC day. No!

One would understand and respect the day and those who hold it dear to them but it would not be a part of the way one feels intimately towards oneself nor would it form part of one’s identity. One would see themselves as an essence, who once was perhaps even born in a body that belonged to a nation that fought against Australia, but now has a body that was born in Australia and has an Australian personality, with values in it from the land and people of Australia. But that too will change in the future.

What Would it Mean to Not Have those Sacred Concepts?

It would mean that when a person from a foreign country says that ANZAC day is “rubbish” you will not react with anger nor pride. But with a degree of tolerance, simply leaving that opinion in the person, because after all it is only an opinion.

Understanding what the commemoration day is about and then expanding the essence of the day universally to all people and nations and the human condition, we can break the exclusivity that such concepts have on our minds. Basically, in the light of the esoteric teachings all these commemoration days come down to our sleeping relationship to death and karma.

Say if somebody no longer fears death so much or at least understands the fear one has of it and understands how things are moved by and are due to karma, one changes the way that they regard the way people think about war, death, loss, memory etc.

Untouchable Concepts

There are many such sacred concepts around. These concepts I think can be investigated and the deep attachment that they have to our egos can be loosened and this is a big help in weakening the personality and in freeing our mind.

Some of these sacred concepts are: death, illnesses, tragedy, war veterans, family, national days, commemoration days, all things that are related to the dignity of being a man or woman etc. etc. Things in other words that are sacred to the personality. Which is quite relative. Because what is sacred or untouchable to some personalities is commonplace and nothing to other personalities.


Concepts are not reality, concepts about a country and their people are not universal and we are likely to come across different conflicting concepts to ours. Therefore it is worth working on these sacred concepts. Often also, because the masters are free of these concepts our tests can come to us through these concepts.
End (2347).

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