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Tuesday 24 April 2018

Alert! Just don’t Let Anger in on the Conversation - (2346)

Anger is the Problem Not the Issue

The problem so often is anger. Things in human interaction can turn a little ugly all because of anger. If we were to have kept cool and maintained just a little bit of calm. Everything would have been just fine. Well,, maybe a little heated or awkward but with no need to go into deep remorse, apologies and damage control afterwards.


Owing to the petty and arrogant impatience that we have or the feelings of superiority that we have, we get angry.
Often it is ourselves and our work that we harm the most when we get angry this way.

These small outbursts of anger are due to layers in our mind that are quite unrelated to the actual issue. But because of these layers of mind and concepts we get angry while discussing the issue.
These layers have been created by us and are fictional, for example, our thoughts and feelings of superiority. Because we think we are superior to another we get angry at them when they don’t understand something or they take a long time in understanding the apparent seriousness or gravity of the situation.


In conclusion we need to make efforts to separate the fictional layers of mind that cause us to get angry from the issue. TO understand clearly within ourselves that the anger that we have is unnecessarily harmful to both others and ourselves and that it is not due to the issue or the person being silly or slow or ranting on about off-topic things, or being over critical etc. but about what has been created in our mind.
End (2346).

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