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Sunday 29 April 2018

Emotional Thinking is an Effective Way to Combat Ill-Will on the Spot - (2351)

We Can’t Tolerate Ill-Will in Our System

Ill will is so mediocre. Every man and his dog expresses it. Common human life and relationships are rife with ill-will. Not to mention sports of all kinds.

But the person working on him or herself will feel that ill-will really harms the person and it delays the progress of our work.

It is such a nice thing, actually like a kind of relief, when someone treats you with respect and with the quality of generosity or good will. But we easily forget that and not treat others the way we like to be treated.

Balanced Person

A balanced and mature person would feel it wrong to fall into ill will. Because such a person would know that there is two sides in the person to consider. Which are their good and bad sides, they are not totally all bad and therefore deserving of our ill will.

Mature Person

A mature person would see it petty and would have had the experience of harbouring ill will towards someone and will not want to feel it again, especially over something so small or over something that can be surpassed or easily forgotten.

An Effective Tool to Combat Ill-Will

I think those who are trying to awaken and die in the ego can not allow themselves to feel ill-will.

Sometimes there is a history behind it and sometimes there isn’t. In those cases where there is no history behind it, we must be impeccable and finish it on the spot. The very instant that it arises in us we must be on it.

An effective way to finish it off, is to think emotionally. To see how that person is the same as me. They have those whom they love, and there are those who love them. They have a mother or had a mother who loved them and they have their vulnerabilities and their weaknesses. They too have their soft point and they too can cry.

End (2351).

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