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Sunday 29 April 2018

No More Keeping In Reserve that the Ego Could be Mysteriously True - (2352)


A person may have worked on an ego for a good while and have made good ground. But that ego still has some grip on us. This could be due to us keeping in reserve in our subconscious (in the back of our mind) the belief that for some mysterious reason that ego is true.

Big Key – Recognise that there is Still a Bit of our Belief Left in Reserve for the Ego

As soon as that person recognises that the problem is that he or she still reserves some belief in it being true that ego is in big trouble. That person can now fully and totally separate it from the human machine at will.

When you really know that those bodily symptoms are coming from an ego and you know that the ego that is provoking those symptoms is untrue, false, a lie then you can stop having that reserve of belief in that ego.

Strange Belief …Not Valid

There is sometimes a strange belief or feeling in us that that ego is something mysterious and something beyond our comprehension and we are not able to fully comprehend it and hold power over it. That may come from the hypnotic grip that the ego has, the karmic loading of that ego or due to a simple lack of comprehension.


We must work to procure that we do not give the ego any belief that whatever it makes us to feel is something true, something right and something valid, immutable and eternal.

End (2352).

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