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Tuesday 10 April 2018

If we Discern Between Right and Wrong and We Don’t Act on it, we Atrophy our Discernment – (2321)


Discernment is a faculty that human beings have. We use it mainly to make clear to ourselves what is right or wrong, what is convenient or inconvenient, what is useful and not useful and what is necessary and unnecessary.
When we discern things, we should act upon what we discern. That is why we have this faculty; we have it to direct our lives in the best way possible way following human law and the cosmic law.

When we do not act upon or we act in the opposite way to what we have discerned, it makes sense that we begin to weaken this faculty.
If we continue doing this we will end up losing our faculty of discernment and then when we want to discern between right and wrong one day, we will feel confused, cloudy and vague.
Acting on what we discern makes a person clear, decisive, firm and knowledgeable.


If we have something whatever it maybe, material, psychological or esoteric use it wisely. Not using causes it to atrophy.
End (2321).

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