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Monday 9 April 2018

Lessons from the Trials of Water, Air and Fire – (2320)


As promised here is the expanded version of the some of the possible practical lessons learnt from the trials of the elements.


The trial of water brings to us a very valuable lesson, which is the lesson of embracing the reality of life’s moments and flow on. In other words adaptability.
Water must flow otherwise it stagnates, water flows over landscapes in nature and takes on the colours of the land it flows over. Water also takes the shape of any container in which is finds itself in.

The lesson of water is to be in the moment and to lovingly embrace reality. Water embraces and accepts lovingly all things. So much so, it takes on its colours and its shape. The lesson of this trial teaches us to be like this, in the varied circumstances of our life.
If we can depart from our expectations, rigid concepts and embrace the now, life and its circumstances in the moment, which includes the change of plans, unfavourable events and happenings, and flow onwards not being stuck in the past we are like water and we are learning the lesson of this trial.
This is such a valuable lesson as many times things in life change from favourable towards us to unfavourable etc. etc.


The trial of air brings us a very valuable lesson and it is the lesson of no reference point. Or we may rephrase this and say that the no reference point is air itself, which for us would mean that our reference point is our own air which is our spirit - our Being.

This trial shows us that to be free as air - not tied down or dependent on anything, one must not have points of attachment or dependence, in other words any reference points.

In the trial of air one is debased of one’s reference points, and so one must quickly find their one and only reference point which is the essence, the consciousness the Being within.

This lesson helps us so much when the many circumstances of our life change. It helps us so much in human relationships especially when those relationships weaken and degrade, and change for the worse.

As soon as we see ourselves as essence, consciousness we are free, we are like air and we have external no-reference point.

The trial of air says have no reference points for your emotions. Have no reference points in people for approval, no reference points in any external role to define our identity, no reference points in others for our love, no reference points in life for our sexuality, no reference points …


The trial of fire brings a very important lesson which is the lesson of containing and channelling our enthusiasm, passion, force, energy – in other words controlling our fire. This imperative in life!

I say this because classically as Master Samael explains, the test of fire is not about showing that we have fire, i.e. strength, enthusiasm or force but that we can control it.

Master Samael explains that the candidate is subjected to unjust, unfair accusations in a heated manner and the candidate to pass this trial, must remain sweet and calm. This shows that one can control their fires. Because there is nothing else than injustice or unfairness to bring out our fire.

Everyone has some strength, some energy and some enthusiasm. But not everyone can control it, can they? If there is life there is water and fire. So every human being has some fire, if not they would not be alive. Even the dullest, most boring dead beat of a person has some fire.

So the lesson is that we all have fire, and that fire or our strength, energy and enthusiasm is best used in a controlled and measured manner otherwise it is very destructive. We must learn to know how to control our fires, and the sexual force is also included in this.

The lesson here is also the understanding of why fire must be controlled. This is because it is highly volatile and radical, and fire always has its place which is in a small and controllable environment. Fire taken outside of this environment is terribly destructive.

Just look at the Kundalini fire! It is housed within the coccyx and it moves up our spine in specially dedicated channels. If the kundalini fire is projected outside of that area it is catastrophic (i.e. kundabuffer) or if it leaves those special channels it is also catastrophic.


Please refer to the post linked below:

End (2320).

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