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Sunday 22 April 2018

Teachings: Generated, Discovered, Received, Understood, Organised, Given… the Cycle Continues… (2343)


The title to this post above, lists the steps in the cycle of teaching: generated, discovered, received, understood, organised and given.
This post explains those steps.

The Cycle in Different Stages Everywhere

We have our place in this cycle. However, before us, this cycle had been completed many times.
Right now, somewhere this process is being completed, and somewhere else it is in the process of being completed and somewhere else it is half way through and somewhere else it is just beginning.
We always work through this cycle, though there are moments where we may focus on one particular stage of the cycle.

Obviously, in the beginning we concentrate on the receiving stage. Then we graduate to the understanding stages, then move to organise the teachings and later give them.
However, now days because of the times in which we are in, we receive the teachings and start to give them straight away, whether we have discovered them or organised them. Though, to give the teachings requires a little bit of understanding and organisation. In reality, we understand and organise, and even discover and generate new teachings as we give the teachings.
In the ancient times this cycle was preserved and maintained in its order but now it has been altered because there just is not enough time left.

Discovery and Generation

We discover the teachings when we find a school and a teacher. We may also, while we are receiving the teachings discover new teachings from different sources or simply by all of a sudden becoming aware of what we have received. Discovery really is about finding and then receiving.
At a certain point our own consciousness can generate teachings and even from the circumstances and events of our life we can generate teachings for ourselves. Generating is about the new, where the teachings that are generated come from the consciousness and a part of what Master Samael said: "the truth is unknown from moment to moment".

The Role of the Human

Our Role in general related to the teachings is to understand them, organise them and give them. It is the role of the sources which dwell above to generate and supply them.
End (2343).

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