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Monday 23 April 2018

The Beautiful Base Student - (2344)

When you visit a Gnostic group, you may learn a little of its history, and you may discover that when that the group was in the process of forming, there was one particular student that helped the missionaries immensely. This one student is what I call the beautiful base student.

There is always one student that was there from the beginning of when the group started, and is still there. This student has offered his or her services countless times and they are easy to spot in the centre amongst the others because of their aura and what they emit. They emit like a light that is laden with service, loyalty, love, responsibility, reliability, understanding for the work and for their missionaries.
It is a delight to see, they really emanate something different while they are present in the group.

Base are the Foundation, the Strongest

The first students of a group usually end up being the most constant and the strongest. They are the ones that in ways keep the group going and pull along the newer ones, which just don’t seem to be as dedicated and firm as them.
End (2344).

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