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Thursday 3 May 2018

Just Want Someone to Like You? - (2362)


First I ask how can we expect others to like us if we do not like ourselves first? Riddle me that? It is not really fair is it? It is like to ask someone to do something that you don’t know how to do, and perhaps can’t do or even won’t do.

When it comes to the final say of things. We have our Being that does that for us. We like our Being and the Being loves us, so then we relate and partake of a loving relationship with our Being.

Human Part

Yet someone may say what about the physical human part? And that just love for the Being is unbalanced. That we are human and spiritual bu the Being is only spiritual and so the human part is missing. 

Well they are right aren't they? You need to find human love in its varied expressions, but what always must be present is to keep the love from and for one's own Being as the first, and most important factor, never to be forgotten when loving another human being.

This is because human love disappears and reappears at times. But the love for your Being and from the Being can be there always. 


What we are, when we take away our own personality is love.

Why should we be dependent on the love from another human being when we are love itself. When we love from and or through the personality we fall into trouble. Personalities don't love.

In the end, all of our relationships are through our own love which is our own Being. Rumi and many of the other mystic poets wrote about love to their beloved and I think or at least it makes sense to me that their beloved was God - their own Being. That they were like betrothed to their own Being.

In m,any ways there is only really one marriage and it is toy yourself. Because you love and relate to another through yourself, that is through your own thoughts and feelings. Though if one does not get married one can not complete the Great Work and fuse once again with their eternal beloved - their Being.

End (2362).

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