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Wednesday 2 May 2018

We Need Intermediaries - (2361)

Matter Here and Spirit Up There

This is our predicament, we are here in matter and the Being, the spirit in us is up there, and in between there is a huge gap. We can’t reach all the way up there, and up there can not fully descend down to us. So we are stuck!

What we need is an Intermediary

What we need first of all, is an intermediary, that is something that can connect us down here, to up there. Bringing to us information from above and delivering messages from below. In other words, we need something that will allow us to perceive, know and receive from above.

With the help of the intermediary we can begin to bridge the gap between us and down here and up there by moving upwards in our states of consciousness.

List of Intermediaries

Here below is a list of intermediaries that help us to connect to the above. Also within each intermediary are tools, techniques and methods to develop and employ them.

Consciousness and Essence (unconditioned psychology)

Within our essence are the values of our Being and through those values we
Through our free essence is the space for our Being to manifest and act. Using our essence we can activate those values and therefore understand how the Being in us operates and functions. Then through activating those values we can introduce the vibrations and qualities of the Being into our system.


As master Samael says it is an electronic force and the electrons are what precisely link or intermediate matter and spirit. The Kundalini is an inner channel that links us here in the physical body to our internal bodies and to the parts of the Being.

Physical Masters

With the physical masters who are connected firmly with the Being we can be instructed and helped. We can better understand the teachings which come to us from above and they can help us to step up a level.


These are the marvelous tools that we have at our disposal to help us to connect to above, which we can consider to be the parts of our Being and the masters of the white lodge.

End (2361).

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