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Thursday 17 May 2018

No Special Keys for the Second and Third Mountain – The Same that we Know – (2391)

The Same Path, The Same Work Just Different Levels

My marvellous missionary has been saying some really very interesting things lately.

We may think that for the second and third mountains there are very special tools and keys to use. There are very special and advanced works to do but the tools and keys are the same my marvellous missionary says.

The key of non-identification, the key of separation – “that we are not anything that we have inside of ourselves” he says is what has helped him more than anything else in the works of the second mountain. Even the key of focusing the consciousness and the key of connecting consciousness to reality were majorly important and continue to be so.


So, we have all the keys already that we will need for the whole path. Therefore, it is just about applying them.

This brings us to make the following conclusion that the path is the same work for all (start, middle end), just that it is done at different levels.

So, we must always strive to triumph at our very own level. Not to triumph at a level that is not ours.

End (2391).

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