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Thursday 17 May 2018

“You Make me Feel Like I am Doing Something Wrong!” – Rubbish You Feel the Way You Want to Feel! – (2390)

People Say Such Things As...

When we get identified with, typically, the ego of self-compassion we say the following words: “You Make me Feel Like I am Doing Something Wrong!” or “You Make me Feel Like I am unworthy or am bad!”.

Both or any other version of the above words are an error. Even if it feels so real and true (mistakenly), the truth is that it is us that makes us feel that way. Others may say and do things that imply that we are unworthy, useless, unliked etc. but who says we have to feel like that? Only really our sleeping consciousness believes their implications and assumes them to actually be us or to be our true identity.

When we assume their implications we are asleep and we have lost our psychological independence and we are far away from self-remembering and hence from our inner Being.

The key is always to go back to our Being through the remembering of the Being.

When we remember our Being we can chose what we want to feel. The best to feel in a way that does not bring pain to us. Be kind to yourself and your Being in that way.

If we have done something wrong, then we have to get to work to repair it and recover ourselves from it, and all others who were affected by our error.

End (2390).

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