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Monday 7 May 2018

Role of the Fire and Why it is Necessary – (2374)


This post is a little bit about the sacred fire and a little bit about how it helps us.
First of all it may be useful to acquaint ourselves with some of the properties of the fire that we know physically, of which, is also a manifestation of the cosmic fire.

Fire Properties

Here it is useful to go over some significant esoteric properties of fire.
Fire is energy, vitality, life, spirit.
It transforms radically. It consumes and raises up the essential.
Fire is an intermediary between matter and the spirit. Wherever there is fire, there is a portal blazing, a bridge taking what there is of tangible matter into what there is of intangible energy. It consumes and takes matter to the spirit.

Fire always ascends. Fire rises and raises. It does this because it is about liberating energy, and energy must rise to the spheres to which is proper of it. Energy can not descend further into matter once it has been liberated.
The synthesis action of fire is to consume, transform, liberate energy or spirit from matter and raise it upwards towards the heavens.

Role of Fire

Fire must always act on something material and in our constitution the only thing material that we have is our body and or our internal bodies.
The bodies are platforms upon which fire can act so to transform us. The fire transform those material parts of ourselves – our bodies, as well as link those parts of ourselves to the spirit and assigns them to be used by the Spirit.
That transformation that the fire does is initiation. This is said, because as the fire consumes and transforms that material part of ourselves (a body, astral body for example) it liberates energy and wisdom and that is initiation. Initiation is an entrance into the mysteries so to learn.
The bodies serve as a platform upon which a human being can be initiated into the mysteries of the fire. Which is also life and cosmic intelligence.
The role of the cosmic fire which is also the Christic fire is to bring life to the bodies, link the bodies to the spirit and cause the consciousness in the bodies to ascend as well as and to open a door to the next higher dimension. The fire in other words helps us to ascend.
It is also good to know that the fire transforms and makes the bodies to ascend as well, and this helps the consciousness to be anchored in those new and higher dimensions. This is because the bodies are house the consciousness and if he bodies are vibrating higher the consciousness will also be vibrating at a higher level.

Works in Three Stages

The fire works over the bodies in three stages, which are through the serpents of fire, light and gold. Fire, light and gold are three octaves of purification and development of the cosmic fire.


We need the fire, which we have already but it is in a dormant state. So we must wake up. To do that we know we need the practice sexually transmuting the sexual energy.
End (2375).

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