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Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Common Denominator in Suicide is Debasement, Ensuing Emptiness then Emptiness Converted to Negativity - (2375)


I am not suicidal or anything like that – just sharing my observations I have made internally and externally over the years. I don’t really know why but it seems to be flowing so freely, that I thought I should type it out.

Introduction- A Common State

This is a common interior state, which I think that a good number of people may have experienced or may experience in their lifetime.

Such a state of wanting to commit suicide comes from a kind of debasement, which in turn is usually the result of some kind of loss of a pillar that was holding up the person’s psychology.

For a person to want to commit suicide, it would mean that the person failed at something or lost something, and with that loss, a decent part of his or her psychology that was giving meaning to their life, or was motivating them in life, or allowing them to feel happy or feel loved or feel appreciated, or was somehow defining them to themselves was cracked, dashed or pulled out from underneath them.

Such things could be honour, love, reputation, identity, role in life, job, self-esteem, family honour, personal honour etc.

Loss of Hope

When the person sees that there is no or little way to regain what was lost then the person increasingly leans towards contemplating suicide. All the while though, there well maybe ways to regain what was lost, however these ways are not even thought about.

In the light of Gnostic Esoteric Psychology the things mentioned above that can be lost or taken away from a person are known to be in place within a person because their centre of gravity is the personality. When a person has managed to shift their centre of gravity to the essence these things that were pillars cease less and less to be pillars that hold up one’s psychology.

Knowledge of one’s essence and the experience that one is an essence begin to become the pillars of their psychology and these pillars are things that can not be taken from a person. This is because they are purely internal. Only the person can take them away from him or herself.

Only external pillars can be taken away from a person by other people. But no one can take away what we have earnt and worked for internally.

There is Revengeful Compensation

There is an element of revenge in this internally defeated state where one wishes for compensation for having had that pillar of their psychology taken from them.

This type of motivation usually appears in people when another person has taken that pillar from the person’s psychology. Like in a relationship break up or in a defamation of character situation etc.

The interesting thing though, being realistic, is that the original fault lies in the person. Because it is a fault of one’s consciousness to make another person or external thing a pillar of their psychology.

The Wrong "Only Conclusion"

The feelings of loss, emptiness, lack of hope, defeat, low self-image combine all together to take the person to forget their Being totally and absolutely and contemplate suicide, all with the logic that that is the better way out.

When the loss or hope is perceived as total then the intellect shuts down and so the emotional centre follows and so action follows, shutting down the body.

Suicide is a state that takes in an absolute way the three brains. Therefore is a terribly strong belief. It is the absolute wrong use of faith and trust. Where trust and faith is in the unquestioned nonsense of our own mind. One may say that suicide is a wrong whole hearted sincere effort and action.

From the psychological point of view people say that it is a very cowardly and selfish internal state.

Real Emptiness

There is no void in nature. The real illuminating emptiness is actually full of Being, but empty of ego. What happens with the internal state of suicide is that the Being is not filling the person yet and the ego has temporarily deflated itself and a real void appears for a short while then to be filled with negativity, and that negativity is the dark internal state of suicide. One is then full of those negative thoughts and emotions.

Esoteric Considerations

Master Samael says that it is a crime against the Third Logos. The one who creates and is the force of life.

Consulting other esoteric considerations we see that it is a lack of the consultation of the Being. It is to cut short our destiny and the plans of our Being. It is to deprive our Being of Its physical temple. It is to not trust the Being and the Law. It is accrue a huge stack of karma.

In Lemuria, those very remotely ancient human beings were at a point of committing mass suicide, due to perceiving the mechanical nature of their existence, and it was avoided by giving humanity back then, the Kundabuffer organ. Which made them good citizens and introduced into them the fascination with life, thus removing from them the perception of empty mechanicity. This could indicate that suicide has a very remote origin and is linked to the Kundabuffer organ and therefore to the ego. 

The Body Dies, the Ego Escapes and the Ego Continues to Live

The ego thinks of suicide because it wants a way out. The interesting thing is that the body dies, and the troubling situation ends, however the ego that was so worried and troubled continues to live in the internal worlds only to come back in a new body later on and repeat the same scenario.

Rigorous, in Absolute Terms Questioning of the Truth

I always in each post like to provide some sort of practicality.That is, a practical key which can serve as a kind of remedy if applied.

If one in such a state is to question each argument that one has, specifically asking oneself: “is it absolutely true?” one would be able to loosen up such a state, possibility would then appear in the mind and that carries forward into the emotion and motor centre.


Suicide is to be full of negativity, rather than truly empty. It is to have a terribly low image of oneself. No one who has committed suicide has had a positive and high image of themselves. Pain overcomes the person in such a suicidal state, and a way out of that pain is sought. The Being is forgotten and the many truths such as: "everything passes" is forgotten and karma as it has a beginning it also has an end.

End (2375).

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