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Sunday 24 June 2018

Admiring the Fire - (2440)

The Fire

There is the fire of life, the very special energy of life that brings forth life, and that is the spark of life. The vivifying energy that is behind life and that produces and sustains life. The energy that is present in everything that has life. The fire is intelligence, light and energy. The fire is something cosmic and also something microcosmic.

Gnosis teaches that the fire is something which has its source within the Absolute. It is the essential living energy of life that is present in our essence, in our creative force, in our interior Father-Mother and in our coccyx.   


As has been told to us through the legend do of Prometheus, that the fire given to man was taken from the Olympus, the dwelling place of the Gods (Absolute). 

Fire in the World

The fire that is present here in the physical world is the same that we have within us but on a microcosmic and spiritual level. The fire here in our fire place at home is an expression of the cosmic fire and even shares much of the properties of this special life bringing cosmic fire. 

All from Fire

The Christ has been described as a living fire, the Christ as the son of the Divine Mother is also fire. The fire is that which gives life its energy. There could be no creation without the involvement of fire. Everything created has been touched by fire and contains fire. Even physically, nothing can be made without fire. That is, without the involvement of energy, heat, electricity, movement etc. If nothing moves or vibrates then how can anything be made.

A Redeemer

The fire is a spiritual element one that consumes, transforms, brings light, enlivens, rises and climbs, liberates, renews and spirits away from one dimension to another.

The cosmic fire is multidimensional and contains its many layers and aspects of mysteries. This mysteries of the life giving energy must be captured by the Divine Monad, because in doing so, the Monad of any person can understand the mysteries of the absolute which are to understand Itself.

Mysteries of the Fire

The fire to liberate its mysteries must consume that which holds its mysteries. When fire consumes a piece of wood it liberates the fire that is latent within it. Fire is sacrifice in motion, to liberate spirit by fire, matter must be sacrificed. That of the lower quality is sacrificed so to gain the superior order of things, such as light, wisdom and energy etc.

The fire in our coccyx must be breathed into life out of its smouldering. As it ascends the spinal column it also liberates that which is contained in each cannon of the spinal column. Each cannon or vertebrae of the spinal column contains a mystery. 

Fire Knows how to Ascend

The fire knows how to ascend that is innate within it. We all must start the fire and feed it and ti will ascend all by itself. It knows how to climb. Every flame in the physical world knows how to each up to form a vertical column.

The fire is fed with the sacrifice of the psychological inferior. That is with the work on the ego and with the merits that result from the sacrifice of the ego.

Fire Consumes Each Body

The fire so to reveal its mysteries needs a body. Each body that a Monad has allows the fire to reveal its mysteries in that dimension of itself. There are physical, vital, astral, mental, causal, Buddhic and Atmic mysteries of her fire. 

So the fire must be awakened and made to ascend liberating its mysteries in each body so that the Monad can learn and absorb all of these mysteries in each dimension. 

Seven Flames in the One Flame

There are seven flames within each flame. The fire gives way into light. And in its superior octave as light, there are also seven dimensions which are the Venustic initiations. Which culminate with the fire in itself in the form of the Intimate Christ, the living fire sent o redeem us. It descends into us to slowly consume all the inferior (egos), which is to sacrifice the inferior so to liberate the fire (essence) that which belongs to it, the free essence which is also a form of fire. This way the fire redeems spiriting us away from dimension to dimension through its inter dimensional climb back to its Source.

End (2440).

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