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Friday 22 June 2018

How do you Know you have the Solar Bodies? - (2439)

Master Samael Gives the Most Infallible Method

The most infallible method is the method Master Samael gives us, which is if you have a body you know that you have it because you can use it. For example, if you have an astral body you know that you have one because you can project out of your physical body with it and move around the astral plane with it.

But what about if we have had some astral experiences but not mental or causal experiences? How can we then find out?

There are some indications to find out.

Look to the Causal

People who have the bodies have very special qualities. They are definitely not the normal type of person.

Those who have the bodies have a very coherent, logical and powerful emotion, mind and will. Basically those who have achieved great things in history where great will, mind and emotion was needed are those who have the bodies. 

Fallen Bodhisattwas

The fallen bodhisattwas all have the bodies. If a person has been in Gnosis for a long time, for several years and has continued to battle and fight then we can be sure that one has the bodies. A person without the bodies would not be able to sustain such an effort. A person without the bodies is very jumpy, flighty and does not have the ability to set things up in those dimensions within oneself.

If you have ever made long and intense efforts and have been able to give everything for a prolonged time towards a cause, a project, an achievement and in doing so you overcame many obstacles and you had continuity of purpose then it is a good indication that you have the causal body. And if a person has a causal body it is certain that he or she has the mental and astral bodies.

Look at Simon Bolivar, Napolean, Michel Angelo, Leonardo, Socrates, Plato etc. Obviously these fallen bodhisattwas all had their ray and using the powers of their bodies achieved great things in line with their ray.

It can be that the egos use the bodies as well which makes what the egos do quite powerful. 

Mental Body

If one has the mental body one can much easily perceive what is in the universal mind and so bring down into the physical world with a lot more ease the teachings, issues and mattes present in the universal mind.That is why a person with the mental body can help others better because he or she can capture what is the mental world of people through the connection to the Universal mind and then address those issues to the people.

End (2439).

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