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Friday 15 June 2018

Don’t Get Overwhelmed – Remedy Your Stress – (2422)


This post comes from what I am learning right now in my physical work situation. A nightmare project where a lot is going wrong, people are leaving and the very typical situation: so much to do in such little time.


From time to time we can get overwhelmed.

When do we Get Overwhelmed?

Mostly always when facing some kind of responsibility.

This responsibility could be for something human or something spiritual.

Why do we Get Overwhelmed?

As soon as we see that what we are responsible for seems impossible or very difficult, the feelings of being overwhelmed begin to rise in us.

It may be that we see that we do not have enough time to complete the task or that simply we do not know how to start yet alone complete the task. Even, it could be that these two factors combine, producing an even stronger feeling of being overwhelmed.

After Feeling Overwhelmed Comes Stress

After feeling overwhelmed comes either of two feelings. One is to feel stress, and the other is to want to give up, quit - thinking we can not manage it.

Of course though, if we don’t want to do it, we can decide not to do it. I want to say here that if we want to go ahead we can!

I lately, at work, have felt overwhelmed on several occasions. Though, my message is to trust in life, human beings and the forces above. Just wait some minutes for the overwhelmed state to ease down and then break things down. You can only do what you can… read on.

Remedy – Break it Down

The stress that we feel comes from unrealistic expectations of ourselves, sometimes we think that the tasks we have to do take only five minutes when they really take two days. We can only do things as fast as we can, there a very real limits. And guess what, everyone else is exactly the same, they can only go so fast and they have their limits.

We see this when we start to work, that everyone can only go as fast as they can and no one works full throttle for 10 hours or more a day (not even 8). They take breaks and they don’t like it etc. Then things get real and the schedule changes as the reality of our very human limits become apparent.

First Step - Break the Huge Thing Down

My boss says: “How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time!”. So then break down the elephant into bite size pieces and work at your best speed that allows you to not make mistakes.

To see what you have to complete for the very day you are living is an immense help and to work day by day is the key.

The worst thing is to be focussing on the whole big picture task, because we suddenly can fall asleep thinking it has to be finished this very day. Which of course is 110% impossible. Sounds funny but our unreal subconscious believes this false statement.

Connecting with reality helps us out very much here.

Second Step – Self-Remembering

Work at the fastest speed that you can manage that keeps your head together and one which you don’t make careless mistakes with and remember your Being. The work that you are doing is not more important than It. With self-remembering you are not going to sacrifice yourself, allowing yourself to feel stressed because you can’t get across the line for something temporary in your life, while the Being in you is something fully permanent.

Lessons I have Learnt

If we always look for the concrete tasks that we must complete and we set about it honestly and earnestly with good will, things manage themselves. Everything has its time to be completed and it is already programmed in. We just have to work and put in the efforts.

Things are never as what we think they will be especially when we get overwhelmed. To be overwhelmed is to project a scary scenario.

End (2422).

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