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Friday 15 June 2018

Worldly Malaise - (2423)


Without the spiritual work we move through our day and therefore most of our life in a kind of a malaise.

We are not sure where we are going really, we hope we are moving towards something but it seems like we don’t have enough of a handle on things to really be going there - to really track our direction and pace. Time just slips away so quickly and it seems like our day was spent in a busy haze, where we emerge from the busy cloud an hour or two before we must retire at night to sleep.


To live this way is not at all satisfying, it tires the soul.

These feelings of malaise, i.e. of not having a handle on things whisper to us the remedy.

The remedy is to get a handle on things, all by not letting the start of the day slip us by.

Obviously, to get a handle on things, we need to give ourselves direction, and the will to go in that direction, which is reinforced by the reasons of why to go in that direction.

If we can start the day contemplating or reflecting, or simply thinking about and reinforcing some basic truths about life we can set ourselves up with the energy and focus that gives a handle on things in our life.
  • Time is short
  • Everything is impermanent, everything changes (we won't always have favourable conditions)
  • Cause and effect (we are the ones responsible for our steps and directions in our life)
  • Each day is a chance to take a step forward for our Monad and ourselves.


We can dissipate this cloudy state and get our direction back and push ahead. Only the spiritual, as it is above the plane of life can give us a true North. The more we cling onto the work and the Being in us, the more we can dissipate any cloudiness, and take up a handle on our life and its direction towards the spirit, the real, and the true.

End (2423).

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