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Thursday 21 June 2018

First Quality of the Ego's Darkness - (2438)

Layer of Darkness

The first quality of the ego's darkness is that it makes us to feel that the ego is something exclusively particular to ourselves.

In that darkness that has the flavour of a special fascinating exclusivity is the feeling of superiority.

Within that darkness we can even think that with the ego we are superior to others. Due to that quality of darkness we can even think that our ego is superior to the same ego in another person.

Once Removed

As soon as we hear about the ego in ourselves being the same or behaving, thinking and feeling the same as it is in others, that first layer of darkness can be removed.

That is a relief and a 'kick yourself' moment. Because we realise that we were asleep in that darkness.

It is the same relief that after having been sick for a while you see the doctor and he or she says what you is this and that, and it is relatively well know and treatable.

Removing that darkness allows us to see that it is something that can be worked on and dissolved. We also take a step closer to seeing our reality. The reality that we are as others are, and there is no great difference or special separation.

End (2438).

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