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Sunday 1 July 2018

Clean Up - Why Laziness is Not So Good - (2455)

Until You Know the Ego is Not Good for You

I was talking to some Gnostic friends on Saturday and one of them made a very true and interesting comment. Basically he was saying that when we realize in our bones that the ego is bad for us, we then gather up the necessary force, will, emotion and mind set to dissolve the ego that we have come to understand is bad for us.

So in this post I am going to present a little something about laziness.

Laziness and Cleanliness

There is an interesting relationship between laziness and cleanliness. A lazy person is one who usually has her or his abode in a real mess. Well, this is a tricky point, becasue a person may not at all be lazy in certain other areas. A person for example may be very intellectually active or very socially active, but have his or her house in a disgraceful state.

That is the trick about laziness, we know that we have it becasue in some areas we are really lazy. Just like pride, we have a lot of pride in some areas and in other areas where some people have a lot of pride we have very little. But we still have pride well and alive.

We can't be tricked into thinking that because we are very active in one area, that we don't have laziness. When we dissolve laziness we dissolve it globally and the areas where we were lazy we are not. 

The area though that where people have the most laziness is in the area of house cleaning. 

The bad thing about laziness is that when we look out at our weed ridden unkept back yard we feel defeated and even sower, heavier, "too hard" in other words lazier. This feeling is never at all good for us to feel. such feelings take us downwards into more lethargy, weight gain, pessimistic thinking and stagnation.

Sorry - I couldn't help it, I am a lazy egg fan (google "lazy egg" and you'll know what I mean...). Eggs are
amazing really. It is said that the universe was gestated in an egg - the Orphic Egg. They also have a very
special property related to Jinas powers master Samael says. Eggs have always fascinated me.

Laziness Lowers Dignity

To be lazy and have an abode that is messy, and dirty bordering on unhealthy is really against one's dignity. For me to hoard things is against one's dignity and it is an inversion of values. The more one hoards the more one feels defeated and incapable of dealing with anything.

The lazy person starts to develop a defeatist attitude and in the end can't deal with anything. Because all the will and energy needed to deal with things is trapped in laziness... or blocked by laziness. Laziness is the inertia that stops that energy and will from flowing actively in us. That is why the lazy person takes a good long while to finally get going and integrated into the task. 

The less resistance that you have to do something the less laziness that you have. 

Certainly to deal with things in life if we have energy and will and we preserve using these two qualities wisely we end up triumphing and successfully solving our problems.

Conclusion - Laziness in Any Area is to Shoot Yourself in the Foot

Laziness is like to shoot yourself in the foot. To lower your dignity and to essentially give yourself impressions of defeat.

It is such a relaxing and positive inner smiling like impression when we walk through our room and house and see things tidy, organised, neat, clean and fresh. For me personally I value that much more than having a house full of things, even if they are valuable. Those positive impressions are much better or of more valuable then a nice stereo or super leather couch or what not. But don't give away your stereo or leather couch, keep it, use it and enjoy it if you have one.

End (2455).

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