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Tuesday 3 July 2018

Why We Need the Fire for our spiritual Realisation – (2456)


Here are some reason why we need it.

Element of the Spirit

Of the four element that make up creation and which also make us up, fire is the most spiritual and transcendental.

As the self-realisation is a realisation of the human as well as the spiritual we need an element of the same nature as the spirit that will help us to realise the spiritual.

The fire is overcome by the elements of earth and water. Air on the other hand complements, fuels and causes fire to advance and rise. Air being a subtler and more spiritual complements fire, though water and earth being more like matter overcome fire.

Though when fire works on earth and water it enhances its properties. Fire makes water into vapour (more subtle) and fire tempers earth and steel, making clay into bricks and iron into steel where it is more useful to men.

Fire is in the Being

Of all the elements the element that is more in our inner Being is fire. The inner Being is of energy, fire and light. Our inner Being, our Inner Father-Mother is a living fire.

As energetic and formless as fire. As light and light bearing as it fire. As primordial and ancient as fire.

Water and Fire – Primordial Elements of Creation

The Alchemist taught that mercury and sulphur or water and fire are the primordial element of creations. In orders, matter and spirit. For the inner to Being to be able to master Its own creation and be able to create anew, it must possess fire and master fire.

For this end, fire must be incarnated within the vehicle of the Monad. The water, the raw mercury is incarnated daily in the vehicle of the Being.

Sacrifice is Fire

Fire is sacrifice. Fire converts matter into energy. Giving off heat and light. With sacrifice, causes are moved and new things created. Fire renovates, creates and refreshes things anew.

To aspire to the new, to generate the causes for new effects we need fire.

Ascending Locomotive

The fire comes down from the Absolute and reaches upwards to reunite with its source.

Fire knows how to ascend, it always stretches up vertically. To climb is in its inherent intelligence. It always knows how to take it and all that it is devouring up, back to its source.

In its ascension it inspires us to feed it. And the sacred fire is fed with the merits of our heart and the death of the ego. So, the fire in us inspires the death of the ego and it also inspires the good and the noble to flourish in us.

The fire is the locomotive behind one’s spiritual ascent. It is our ascending engine. It is our power to ascend.

Fire Brings Light

Fire transmuted is light and light transmuted is gold.

Fire is temptation and triumph over temptation is light.

Fire is a kind of spiritual love.

The contrast of the two opposites is what produces a spark and that spark is light, it is consciousness. Fire is generated by the meeting of the two opposites: a flint and a rock for example.

Liberates and Opens

Fire in its action liberates. It releases energy from all that it devours.

Open the mysteries of each vertebra and releases us bit by bit from hypnosis.

Fire also liberates the fire that dwells in the waters. That is the energy contained in our spermatic waters.

Redeems and Devours

Fire devours so to convert what it devours into things of the same nature as it. It is the Divine element that devours and makes us bit by bit more divine by devouring us.

When it devours us and converts us more into its nature it redeems us.

It descends to us and raises us up. The Divine Mother and the Intimate Christ are living fires.


For our spiritual work we need the sacred fire!

End (2456).

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