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Saturday 28 July 2018

Don't Believe Anymore in the Doom of Fear Use Your Magic Wand - (2518)

Over the Years

This action of not believing in the ego has helped me immensely over the years, especially when it has come to the work on fear.

I definitely do not want to believe anymore in what fear projects and makes one to feel. That terrible bottomless 'all has ended' feeling of pure doom and terrifying destruction, pure ensuing agonizing pain can all be felt for a few seconds but no longer do we have to chose to believe in it. No matter the situation, we can to chose to believe in what we have experienced to be true over the years. These truths have held true over the voice of fear:

Here are those truths that in the face of fear I chose to evoke and believe in becasue I know them to be true and this alignment especially in the emotional centre causes fear to subside like someone has waved a magic wand.

Magic Wand

Nothing is as bad as it seems...Reality is always kinder than fear.

Help always comes...

Things change and ease off...or time heals...

Things end and pass...

We are stronger than we know or think... We can deal with many difficulties when the time comes to it many times better than fear thinks. We must imagine this, because fear just does not think that we can.

God, the universe, life is not cruel...

The Divine Mother cares for one, visits and helps...That help changes things.

Fear is the problem, not death, nor sickness. Without fear the difficult things are just lived through without the internal commentary of terrible doom. 

Believing in the doom of fear is that terrible sick feeling. we can feel that terrible sick feeling but know that it is fear feeling that and it won't be that way in reality...

Trust that your ways of dealing with fear will prevail becasue it has worked many times before. For example, know and trust that chanting with all your forces the mantra KRIM, or doing the Rune Ur or walking and walking (I don't mean escaping I mean walking heal-toe heal-toe) for miles will cause fear to ease off. You know this because you have done it before many times.  

A Real Being animates everyone, that Being can not be destroyed or conquered by fear. That Being is in our consciousness and if we will it, that is believe in it more than we believe in our fearful mind. Fear can not be more powerful than our Real Being, as fear is a piece of conditioned essence only and the Being is greater than the whole essence let alone a fraction of it, which is what fear is. 

Hope is a real force within us, that if we hope for change, if we hope that our work will have effect then it can change things within us.

Give yourself time, everyone goes "ooohhh fear" when you tell them about the things you are feeling, and they make themselves a little distant or annoyed. Don't be worried, the remedies take time. A few minutes, a few hours or a few days or a few weeks. You can pray intensely and nothing happens straight away but then in half an hour you suddenly notice the fear has gone...

At the very worst, if you do nothing the karmic loading behind the fear will be paid off and the fear will subside. But the more you work the more light you get for yourself and others and the quicker fear weakens and subsides.


Make your magic wand (create your list) and wave it (i.e. read the points) when fear manifests.

End (2518).

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