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Sunday 29 July 2018

Is that Thought True? An Extraordinary Help - (2519)

Just this One Question

If we ask ourselves just this one question we can help ourselves like we don't imagine.

The ego projects at the best half truths and the rest are falsehoods.

The thing is we believe both half truth and complete falsity, totally mechanically, and that makes our consciousness sleep.

Asking ourselves the question is that true, for every thought or for at least the intense egoical thoughts, stops the mechanical believing and therefore the sleepiness of our consciousness.

This can be very profound actually. It will help you to peer right through the mind and to grasp what is real in you and what is really you.

Asking this question really really helps us to understand the mind and understand how it works. Just this one question opens up many doors of knowledge for us. How powerful this one question is!

We have a thought about a person and an image from our memory that accompanies it. Then you ask  the question: "is that true?" You may see that it is not really, you may understand that the image of the person is not the person and it is not how the person looks right now, and so it is not really true, it is only a representation that our mind uses.

Is that a shirt you are wearing? Is that true? A shirt? The answer has to be "I don't know if it is a shirt". Because you don't know in full honesty, because we only all agree to call that a shirt. 

End (2518).

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