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Saturday 21 July 2018

Hydra of Lerna and the Intellectual Subconscious - (2506)

Intellectual Subconscious

I'll go straight to the point with this post. It is in the second labour of Hercules where Hercules slays the Hydra of Lerna, which effectively Master Samael says, is where the intellectual subconscious is eliminated or cleared.

I never understood what that meant, but after asking a few questions, I have a bit more insight. So once again, what I am presenting here are notes or summaries of some discussions I have had with m cubed (a new version of m.m.m for you) about what really goes on in a person after this labour is completed. 

The subconscious is a basement, it is a structure that is a part of us, just as a basement is a part of any building or house. What we can do though is to clear or empty out the subconscious just like we can empty out the basement of a house, but if we were to destroy the basement the house may collapse.

So here in this labour the intellectual part of the subconscious is cleared out.

There are 49 regions of our mind and the first four to six perhaps, are considered to be our intellectual levels. In those first six levels all of our intellectual processes occur. Now, these intellectual processes can have a subconscious backing to them, which means to be motivated by factors or interests within our subconscious. But specifically interests lying within the intellectual part of our subconscious.

So in other words the intellectual subconscious is the subconscious part of our intellectual processes.  which does include our imagination.

Not having the intellectual subconscious full, means no more self-deception to do with our intellectual processes, meaning we are fully aware of all that is behind them and what is motivating them. There is no more of that, of providing excuses and believing in them as real reasons as to why we can not do this or that etc. Well we may think that we are at this level already but it could be that we are not aware of what we don't know yet. Completing this labour definitely confirms that one has reached this level of no more intellectual subconscious.


So to conclude here, after finishing this labour which has a lot to do with the mind, the power of the mind in relation to the subconscious and the ego is greatly diminished and we can see once again how the labours of Hercules are really about doing some major foundational dissolution of the ego. They are about global or wide ranging feats of death within us. They are about debasing the very subconscious and infraconscious foundations of the ego.  

Really if you find such a person who has finished these labours that is a person that you can trust!

End (2506).

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