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Saturday 21 July 2018

Nimean Lion - (2505)

First Labour of Hercules

Before I start, these are all notes that I have taken from a Herculean Labourer. Please note they are not my knowledge.

Myth has it that Hercules ordered by King Eurytheus has to find, face and defeat the Lion of Nimea and bring back the hide of the slain Lion to the King.

The lion of Nimea is a monstrous lion of monstrous proportions in both size and strength, and is one who has an impenetrable hide. No sword, arrow or spear has ever broken through its hide.

It is said that the lion of Nimea is the result of either of two parents: the son of the union of Zeus and Selene (the Moon) where the Lion dropped down from the Moon, or is either the son of Typhon and Echidna (the parents of all the monsters) and who is also the brother of Cereberus and Orthos which are the famous three and two headed dogs.

Hercules before reaching Nimea comes across an old man that says if Hercules did not return after 30 days then he, the old man will make an offering in the name of Hercules to the Gods but if Hercules does return they will make an offering together to Zeus.

The Lion lived in a cave and would often kidnap women from near bye villages so to lure warriors into the cave where he would then kill them.

Hercules finds the cave and blocks one entrance, the cave is the subconscious and blocking one entrance means to have worked already to have not allowed these egos to surface to take over our human machine, or we may take this as being egos that are in our subconscious only and not in the visible side of our psychology. 

Hercules clubs the Lion and strangles it with his bares hands knowing that arrows, swords and knives are of no use against the Lion. This means that these egos are ones that we have to tackle with our own consciousness.

Hercules tries to cut of his hide but he can not do it, and so what happens is Athena appears and suggests that he uses the claw of the lion to cut the lion's hide. This works. This is an indication of the will of the ego, and that the will of the ego is what must be taken from the ego to really dismember it.

The claws represent will and whenever Athena or Hermes appear it means refers to teh intervention of wisdom or the need of a special key.

In Psychological Real Terms What is the Lion of Nimea

It can be like four egos together. In Master Samael it was related to Lust but in others it can be related to anger and pride. The same applies to the sixth labour which is to do with the bull of Crete. In Master Samael's case it was related to lust but in other cases it can be anger.

These are egos that are very karmic in nature as the lion always represents the rigour of the Law. So these egos are the egos that are the ones that are related to desire and are the ones that have unfolded many karmic consequences as well as having incurred karmic debt.

Remember not all desire is sexual in nature. There is the desire to be sought after, the desire to have, the desire to exist, the desire to enjoy what we have etc. etc.

The 30 day offering reminds us of the 30 pieces of silver that Judas betrayed Jesus for in order to spend on material pleasures. Judas we know represents the demon of desire.

But it seems that the Lion of Nemea is not the demon of desire, because the demon of desire, the demon of the mind and the demon of ill will are all dealt with after the Lion of Nimea is slain.

In a future post I will relay to you some notes about the effects and changes that occur in a person after three furies have been eliminated.

End (2505).

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