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Sunday 15 July 2018

Movement of the Holy Grail from Master Samael - (2487)


This post has been taken directly from the publication of a compilation of Master Samael's talks titled: "El Quinto Evangelio".

You get hold of the pdf of the "Quinto Evangelio" and run a search for "copa sagrada" and you will find the Spanish text from where I have taken the following description.

Melchizadek to Monteserat

So Master Samael recounts that after Abraham defeated the Kings of Sodom and Gomorrah he travelled further into the dessert and came across a military style fort made of solid stone. There residing in that fortress was the King of the World: "Melchizadek".

Melchizadek and Abraham

Melchizadek celebrated with Abraham the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the wine. Abraham honoured Melchizadek with a tithing and an offering of fruit, which is symbolic, and in return Melchizadek awarded Abraham with a sacred cup, the Holy Grail, which Master Samael said was made from pure silver.

Queen of Sheba

The Holy Grail over the years ended up in the hands of the Queen of Sheba, Master Samael says, "for what reason, we do not know". 

The Queen of Sheba decided to pass on the Holy Grail or sacred chalice to King Solomon. However, before she passed it onto him, she submitted him to a test, which was to tell her who was male and who was female, of a group of 25 people. The 25 people walked into King Solomon's palace all dressed in the same way and in such a way that it was impossible to tell who was male or female.

King Solomon

King Solomon being very wise asked the 25 subjects to all wash their hands, and he then by the way they washed their hands was able to tell who was male and who was female. 

Being successful King Solomon was awarded the Holy Grail. Later on the Sacred Chalice came to appear in the hands of Jesus of Nazareth with which he celebrated the last supper. Where in that chalice was truly poured the blood of Jesus and some small particles of his flesh were placed in that chalice.

Jesus of Nazareth

When Jesus was crucified on the cross Joseph of Aramathea, held the sacred chalice up to the cross and filled it with the blood that trickled down from the cross. He then also took into his possession the spear head of the lance of Longinus that pierced the side of Jesus.   

Joseph of Arramathea

The next day his house was searched for these sacred artefacts, though nothing was found. Joseph was then put into prison. After he was released he travelled to Rome to find the Christians to whom he wished to surrender these two sacred artefacts to. 

When he reached Rome he found that Nero was persecuting the Christians so he travelled away from Rome along the mediterranean coast where he had a dream. In that dream an Angel told him that the chalice that he was carrying was sacred and that he should deliver the chalice to a monastery that the Angel pointed out to him, that monastery was Montserrat in Spain.


Master Samael says that the chalice has now been submerged into the fourth dimension where the resides the temple of Montserrat, which is a temple of the White Lodge. In this place no human being will be able to physically find it. Only those who can enter the fourth dimension might be able to see it.

Master Samael said that since then, many medieval quests were about finding the resting place of the Grail and it became the symbol of victory for any quest, as the maximum award for such a quest would be to find the Holy Grail. Master Samael then explained that is why many competition trophies are all cups, such as all the world cups etc. 

So here it is, the movement of the Holy Grail in History, starting with Melchizadek near what is now Jerusalem, and ending in Montserrat in Spain. Why it began with Melchizadek is reasonable as Melchizadek is the King of the World, though why it ended up in Spain is a another question, but it has to be for some special reason.

End (2487).

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