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Sunday 15 July 2018

Watching Over Others is Watching Over Yourself - (2486)

Watching Over

It is said that Buddha said: "To watch over others is to watch over yourself, and to watch over yourself is to watch over others.".

This sounds quite strange and seems sort of half true. 

We can better understand why the Buddha is right when we take a better look at 'to watch' means. 

If we take to watch to mean to be in another person, we can see how the Buddha is right.

The Buddha is right because to be in another person we have to use or consciousness and in fact 'be' our consciousness. While we are ego, mind and personality we are always in ourselves, that is within our 'myself' and in our person or personality.

So when I leave myself and enter into you I use and become my consciousness, and when I am my consciousness I am my true authentic self, and I am watching over both you and myself.

Similarly 'to be' my consciousness means I am aware of you. 

A Magnificent Key

This is a really wonderful key to help us in our awakening. If we can voluntarily and of course consciously leave our person and go into another to become aware of the other, how they are seeing things, how they are feeling, what they are thinking, whether their situation is fair we are not at all losing or leaving ourselves, we are the opposite, in ourselves and with ourselves as consciousnsess.

Ignoramus Selfishness

The ego of selfishness is ignorant of this and sees to do such an exercise as a complete waste of time and would rather prefer to be thinking about its person, and the time and energy that the person has. Even the ego of selfish can get so scared about doing this and even slam it as a stupidity. Though the Buddha is right...

End (2486).

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