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Wednesday 4 July 2018

Transmuting Brings the Elements of Fire and Water to Your Being so that It can Create – (2460)


When we focus inwardly and use our breath we make contact with the primordial elements of creation. When we focus on our sexual energy on our spermatic waters and we inhale and use our will and imagination we are separating the water and the fire and we are drawing the fire (energy from within the water) more towards our interior. There where the energy is more in our interior our inner Being can use it. This energy condenses as water once again but of a much higher quality, where it waits in our interior to be fecundated by the Divine Fire which is something that our inner Being brings from within Its own worlds and dimensions to convert that mercury (transmuted spermatic water) into fire.

Then with that sacred fire present in our interior and with the supply of the spermatic creative waters our inner Being can create within our interior just as the Absolute did externally. Well not really true, the Absolute actually created with Itself, meaning the Earth, the Ors Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy etc. are a part of It, that is parts that are within it, well within its outer layers. So our Being creates internally as well just as the Absolute did.


Transmutation, is the only way that we can make contact really with these two elements within us and it is the only way that we can deliver those elements to our Inner Being for It to create within and regenerate Itself with.

End (2460).

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