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Wednesday 4 July 2018

Jealous Heart - (2459)

An Attempt to Control the Heart

Jealousy tries to control the heart of the other.

Jealousy it seems has certain ideas or rules about who and how the other should love, like or have empathy for...

It tries to control the heart of the other wishing to secure a place in the other's heart, and of course, not just any place but the most important place...

It believes that no other place but number one is right or deserving...

To be any other place than number one can not be accepted.

Yet We Love?

Yet we love that person, we love especially their heart, as it is the core of them. But it seems in truth, we don't really love their heart otherwise we would also love what that heart loves, likes or feels empathy for...

We of course with a jealous heart love relative to the rules, conditions, parameters of the jealous mind. 

Always with the ego, the mind conditions the heart...But not with the essence...

The essence is beyond the mind and loves beyond any rules, parameters and conditions of the mind.

What the other loves, likes or feels empathy for can not be so bad, it or they can not be an ugly stone, it or they must have something good about them. So why can't we not like it or the person that the other loves, likes or feels empathy for?

It is most intelligent to love what the other loves. To end the duality and unite. And you may just win a terrific friend...

We must start by opening the mind, and then with an open mind an open heart follows. An untied jealous mind is an untied jealous heart.

Our Own Heart

So the jealous heart is about controlling the heart of the other, but what about our heart in all of this?

We are in the wrong heart, that heart is the heart of the other. What about if we remember our own heart, and see what we really have there. Don't we  have a real love for the other there? 

If we find real love there we have our remedy to the jealous heart and mind. If there is no love there then where is our right to think that we can control the heart of the other?

As long as we are not in our heart we are in the jealous heart and jealous mind and there is a big part of our problem. There is our bitterness... 

End (2459).

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